The Texas Department of Agriculture (Department) proposes amendments to Texas Administrative Code, Title 4, Chapter 14 (Perishable Commodities Handling and Marketing Program), Subchapter A (General Provisions), §14.1 (Definitions), §14.3 (Fees), and §14.4 (Cancellation of License); Subchapter B (Produce Recovery Fund Claims), §14.10 (Claims Against the Fund), §14.11 (Determination on Claims by the Department), §14.12 (Filing of Notice of Protest; Appeal to the Board), §14.13 (Payment of Claims from the Fund), and §14.14 (Reimbursement to the Fund); and Subchapter C (Produce Recovery Fund Board), §14.20 (Purpose and Scope), §14.21 (Duties of the Board and the Department), §14.22 (Meetings), §14.23 (Conduct of Hearings of the Produce Recovery Fund Board), §14.24 (The Board's Final Determination), and §14.25 (Motion for Rehearing).

The Department identified the need for the proposed amendments during its rule review conducted pursuant to Texas Government Code, §2001.039, the adoption of which can be found in the Review of Agency Rules section of this issue.

In accordance with Texas Agriculture Code (Code), §103.004 and §103.012, the Produce Recovery Fund Board (Board) is required to advise the Department in its rulemaking capacity under Chapter 103 of the Texas Agriculture Code (Code). Chapter 103 governs the Board and payments from the Produce Recovery Fund pursuant to claims against license holders and persons requiring to be licensed as handlers of perishable commodities under Chapter 101 of the Code.

The Department presented the proposed amendments to the Board at its open meeting on November 15, 2023. The Board discussed and approved the proposed amendments by a unanimous vote.

The proposed amendments replace the current title of this chapter with "Handling and Marketing of Perishable Commodities" for consistency with the name of the Department's related program and the title of Chapter 101 of the Code.

The proposed amendments to §14.1 include a definition for the "Administrative Procedure Act" to account for its frequency in this chapter, remove a definition for "agent" due to its infrequency in this chapter, update a reference in the definition for the "Open Meetings Act," add language to the definition for "claim" to specify against whom claims can be filed, and add a citation to the Code to the definition of "perishable commodity" to denote the statutory source of its definition.

The proposed amendments to §14.3 add language specifying those agents who require identification cards.

The proposed amendments to §14.4 specify a reference to the Department's general rules of procedure outlines in Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title and change a reference to Chapter 2001 of the Texas Government Code to account for its proposed definition in §14.1.

The proposed amendments to §14.10 remove subsection (e) to become new subsection (d) §14.10 as its provisions fit more appropriately with those of §14.14, remove an outdated provision addressing claims prior to September 1, 2009, remove unnecessary language precluding the filing of out-of-state claims, and add a reference to §14.3 to specify claim-filing fees.

The proposed amendments to §14.11 change references to this chapter from "title" to "chapter," as the latter term is generally used throughout Title 4, update a reference to Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title, change "recommendation" to "proposal for decision" as the former is used throughout this chapter and Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title, make "Deputy Commissioner" lower-case as "Commissioner" is made lower-case throughout this chapter, and replace general references to "agency" with "department."

The proposed amendments to §14.12 charge the term "person" to "party" as the former is used within the context of a hearing and in Chapter 103 of the Code, make "proposal for decision" lower-case to be the same as its occurrences in the Department's rules of procedure in Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title and Chapter 2001 of the Texas Government Code (the Administrative Procedure Act), and replace general references to "agency" with "department."

The proposed amendments to §14.13 remove an outdated subsection outlining payments for claims prior to September 1, 2009; remove an obsolete subsection limiting total payments on claims against a single entity to $85,000 as its statutory analogue, former Subsection 103.008(c) of the Code, was removed in 2009; and remove a reference to its restrictions on claim payments and replace it with the applicable statutory authority in Chapter 103 of the Code.

The proposed amendments to §14.14 add subsection (e) of §14.10 as new subsection (d) as its provisions fit more appropriately with those of §14.14 and replace the term "working days" with "business days" as the former is the more prevalent term.

The proposed amendments to §14.20 update a reference to Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title.

The proposed amendments to §14.22 remove unnecessary language addressing requirements of the Open Meetings Act and remove an incorrect provision on notice of Board meetings being published in the Texas Register.

The proposed amendments to §14.23 update Department contact information for prehearing motions and exhibit requests, specify that requests to the Department for hearing-related information must be written, and replace the term "working days" with "business days" as the former is the more prevalent term.

The proposed amendments to §14.25 require motions for rehearing to be sent to opposing parties and Board rulings on these motions to be made in accordance with Section 2001.146 of the Texas Government Code and update Department contact information.

In addition, "Board," "Fund," and "Chairman" are made lower-case throughout these rules to align with their occurrences in Chapter 103 of the Code. Likewise, "licensee" and "complaining party" are changed to "license holder" and "aggrieved party" throughout these rules because the latter terms are use in Chapter 103.

Also, editorial changes are made throughout these rules to correct grammar, remove superfluous or outdated language, and improve the rules' readability.

FISCAL IMPACT ON STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Mr. Philip Wright, the Administrator for Regulatory Affairs, has determined that for each year of the first five years the proposed amendments are in effect, there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of enforcing or administering them.

PUBLIC BENEFITS AND PROBABLE ECONOMIC COSTS: Mr. Wright has determined that for each year of the first five years the proposed amendments are in effect, the public benefit will be increased consumer protection due to updates to and improved readability of the chapter. Mr. Wright has also determined there are no anticipated economic costs to persons required to comply with the proposed amendments.

LOCAL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATEMENT: Mr. Wright has determined that the proposed amendments will not affect a local economy, so the Department is not required to prepare a local employment impact statement under Texas Government Code, §2001.022.

FISCAL IMPACT ON SMALL BUSINESSES, MICRO-BUSINESSES, AND RURAL COMMUNITIES: The Department has determined there will be no adverse economic effect on small businesses, micro-businesses, or rural communities as a result of the proposed amendments, therefore preparation of an economic impact statement and a regulatory flexibility analysis, as detailed under Texas Government Code, §2006.002 is not required.

GOVERNMENT GROWTH IMPACT STATEMENT: Pursuant to Texas Government Code, §2001.0221, the Department provides the following Government Growth Impact Statement for the proposed amendments. For each year of the first five years the proposed amendments will be in effect:

(1) they will not create or eliminate a government program;

(2) their implementation will not require the creation or elimination of existing employee positions;

(3) their implementation will not require an increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to the Department;

(4) there will be no increase or decrease in fees paid to the Department;

(5) they will not create a new regulation;

(6) they will not expand, limit, or repeal an existing regulation;

(7) there will be no increase or decrease in the number of individuals subject to the rules; and

(8) there will be no positive or adverse effect on the state's economy.

Comments on this proposal may be submitted by mail to John "Chris" Gee, Lead Assistant General Counsel, Texas Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711, or by email to chris.gee@texasagriculture.gov. Comments must be received no later than 30 days from the date of publication of the proposal in the Texas Register.


4 TAC §§14.1 - 14.4

The amendments are proposed under the Department's authority in Section 12.016 of the Texas Agriculture Code (Code), which authorizes the Department to adopt rule to administer its powers and duties under the Code; such powers and duties include Code, Section 101.006, the requirement that the Department to set fees for licensure to handle perishable commodities by rule; Code, Section 101.010, which requires the Department to set fees for identification cards for agents of license holders who either transport or buy perishable commodities; Code, Section 103.005, which also requires the Department to set fees for filing claims against the Produce Recovery Fund (Fund); Code, Section 103.009, which further requires the Department to issue orders canceling licenses and to deny issuing new licenses or renewing licenses for license holders or those required to be licensed to handle perishable commodities who, following payments from the Fund against them, neither pays nor agrees to pay either the Fund or the aggrieved party; Code, Section 103.011, which requires the Department to set an annual fee for those licensed under Code, Chapter 101; and Code, Section 103.012, which requires the Department, with the advice of the Board, to adopt rules related to payment of claims from the Fund.

The code affected by the proposed amendments is Texas Agriculture Code, Chapters 101 and 103.


In addition to the definitions set out in Texas Agriculture Code (Code), Chapters 101[,] and 103, and Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title (relating to [the] General Rules of Practice), the following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

(1) Administrative Procedure Act--The Texas Government Code, Chapter 2001 [Agent--An employee authorized to act for and on behalf of a licensee as a buying agent and/or a transporting agent].

(2) (No change.)

(3) Citrus fruit [Fruit]--Any fruit belonging to the genus Citrus, Poncitrus, Microcitrus, Eremocitrus, or Fortunella, including, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes, and tangerines.

(4) Claim--A sworn complaint accompanied by the prescribed fee alleging a loss or damages occurred as a result of a violation of the terms or conditions of a contract involving the sale of perishable commodities grown in Texas by a license holder or person required to be licensed.

(5) License holder [Licensee]--A person who holds a license issued under the [Texas Agriculture] Code, Chapter 101.

(6) Open Meetings Act--The [Texas Open Meetings Act,] Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.

(7) Perishable commodity [Commodity]--As defined in the Code, §101.001, fresh [Fresh] produce grown in Texas and generally considered a perishable vegetable or fruit.

§14.2.Citrus Proof of Ownership.

A license holder [licensee] or a packer, processor, warehouseman or transporter may not receive or handle citrus fruit without requiring the person from whom the citrus fruit is purchased or received to furnish proof of ownership on a form approved by the department; except for citrus fruit being transported from the farm or grove to market or the place of first processing by the producer of the citrus fruit operating the producer's vehicle or by an employee of the producer operating a vehicle owned by the producer.


(a) License and [/registration/] identification card fees.

(1) (No change.)

(2) The fee for each identification card for transporting and buying agents is $30.

(b) - (d) (No change.)

§14.4.Cancellation of License.

If an award and payment is made from the fund [Fund ] and the license holder [licensee], or person required to be licensed, fails to reimburse and/or fails to agree in writing to reimburse the fund [Fund] and/or the aggrieved [complaining] party [to the case in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the department shall initiate proceedings], after 90 days, the department shall initiate proceedings [of failure to reimburse and/or failure to agree in writing to reimburse the Produce Recovery Fund,] to cancel the license holder's [licensee's] license in accordance with the Texas Agriculture Code (Code), §103.009. Such proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the [Texas Agriculture] Code, §12.032, the Administrative Procedure Act, [Texas Government Code, Chapter 2001], and the department's General Rules of Practice and Procedure found at Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title (relating to General Practice and Procedure) [rules of procedure].

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on November 22, 2024.


Susan Maldonado

General Counsel

Texas Department of Agriculture

Earliest possible date of adoption: January 5, 2025

For further information, please call: (512) 463-6591


4 TAC §§14.10 - 14.14

The amendments are proposed under the Department's authority in Code, Section 12.016, which authorizes the Department to adopt rule to administer its powers and duties under the Code. The amendments are proposed under Code, Section 103.009, which requires the Department to set schedules for reimbursements to the Fund and payments to aggrieved parties following Department payments from the Fund and Code, Section 103.012, which requires the Department, with the advice of the Board, to adopt rules related to payment of claims from the Fund.

The code affected by the proposed amendments is Texas Agriculture Code, Chapters 101 and 103.

§14.10.Claims Against the Fund.

(a) What claims can be filed. Only claims against a license holder [licensee] or a person required to be licensed for loss or damages due to a violation of the terms or conditions of a contract for the sale of perishable commodities grown in Texas may be filed. [The following claims may not be accepted:]

[(1) Claims for perishable commodities grown out-of-state.]

(b) [(2)] Claims filed under the Perishable Agriculture Commodities Act [(PACA)] that are accepted as formal complaints and adjudicated by the United States Department of Agriculture, or claims for which an aggrieved party [ a complainant] has filed suit in a court of competent jurisdiction shall not be accepted.

[(b) Who may file. A person who suffers a loss or damages due to the violation of the terms or conditions of a contract by a licensee or a person required to be licensed may file a claim against the Fund.]

(c) How to file. A claim shall be filed with the department on a prescribed complaint form and shall be accompanied by the [prescribed ] fee required by §14.3 of this chapter (relating to Fees). The date of postmark, if mailed, or the date the complaint and fee are received by the department, if hand- delivered, shall be the date the claim is deemed filed.

(d) Statute of Limitations. A claim shall be barred if it is filed later than [one year from the date the violation of the terms or conditions of a contract occurred. This limitation applies to claims that are based on violations that occurred prior to September 1, 2009. Claims based on violations that occurred on or after September 1, 2009 shall be barred if it is filed later than] two years from the date the payment was due.

[(e) Respondent's Option to Pay. If a recommendation for payment from the Fund is made by a department hearing officer or a payment is awarded in a final department or Board determination, the respondent may pay the amount found to be due directly to complainant rather than have that payment made by the Fund. If direct payment is made, parties shall notify the department in writing.]

§14.11.Determination on Claims by the Department.

(a) Once a claim is filed in accordance with §14.10 of this chapter [title] (relating to Claims Against the Fund), the department shall investigate the claim and may conduct a hearing to determine the amount due the aggrieved party. All hearings shall be conducted by a department hearing officer in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act and [the department's General Rules of Practice and Procedure found at] Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title (relating to General Rules of Practice [and Procedure]).

(b) (No change.)

(c) Parties may protest the proposal for decision [recommendation] made by the department hearing officer by filing a Notice of Protest in accordance with §14.12 of this chapter [title] (relating to Filing of Notice of Protest; Appeal to the Board). If no protest is filed, the case will be forwarded to the deputy commissioner [Deputy Commissioner] for a final [agency] determination.

(d) Parties may also protest the department's [agency's] final determination by filing a Notice of Protest in accordance with §14.12 of this chapter [title (relating to Filing of Notice of Protest; Appeal to the Board)].

(e) (No change.)

§14.12.Filing of Notice of Protest; Appeal to the Board.

(a) A party [person] who disputes the recommendation of the department's hearing officer or the department's final determination on a claim shall file a Notice of Protest with the [department. The notice shall be sent to the attention of the] Hearings Clerk, General Counsel Division, Texas Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711. A copy of the Notice of Protest shall be sent to the opposing party and/or a designated representative.

(b) A Notice of Protest shall be in writing, state the [reason or] reasons for the protest, and request a hearing before the board [Board].

(c) A Notice of Protest must be received by the department within 15 days from the date of the receipt of the hearing officer's proposal for decision [Proposal for Decision] on the claim, or if an appeal from the final department [agency ] determination, within 20 days from the date the final department [agency] determination was mailed. A Notice of Protest [The department shall accept notices of protest] filed by fax shall be accepted if it [facsimile transmission, as long as the facsimile] is received no later than 5:00 [5] p.m. on the due date. [Oral notices of protest shall not be accepted.]

(d) If a Notice of Protest is received on a claim, the claim shall be referred to the board [Board] for hearing.

§14.13.Payment of Claims from the Fund.

[(a) The following payments of claims shall apply for a claim based on a violation occurring prior to September 1, 2009.]

[(1) Claims of $2000 or less may be paid in full.]

[(2) Claims of more than $2000 may be paid in the following manner:]

[(A) If the claim was filed on or after September 1, 1999, but prior to September 1, 2009, the first $2000 plus no more than 70% of the amount in excess of $2,000, may be paid.]

[(B) If the claim was filed prior to September 1, 1999, the first $1,000 plus no more than 60% of the amount in excess of $1000, may be paid.]

[(3) Claims arising from Same Contract. Total payment for claims arising from the same contract shall not exceed $35,000.]

[(4) Claims Against a Single Licensee. Total payment for claims against a single licensee shall not exceed $85,000 in any one calendar year. Claims shall be paid in the order that a final determination is made by the department or the Board. In cases when a claim cannot be paid in full due to the restrictions of this paragraph, the claimant shall be given the option of accepting immediate payment of a lesser amount or accepting full payment from the Fund during the next calendar year.]

[(b)] Payment [The following payments] of claims from the fund shall be subject to the following: [apply for a claim based on a violation occurring on or after September 1, 2009.]

(1) (No change.)

(2) [Claims Arising from Same Contract.] Total payment for claims arising from the same contract shall not exceed $50,000.

[(3) Claims Against a Single Licensee or a person required to be licensed. Total payment for claims against a single licensee or a person required to be licensed shall not exceed $85,000 in any one calendar year.]

(3) [(4)] Claims against a person who is not licensed. Payment for claims against a person who is not licensed at the time the claim was filed shall not exceed 80% of the total recovery [claim].

(4) [(5)] Claims shall be paid in accordance with the order that a final determination is made by the department or the board [Board]. In cases when a claim cannot be paid in full due to the restrictions of the Texas Agriculture Code, §103.008(e) [this subsection], the aggrieved party [claimant] shall be given the option of accepting immediate payment of a lesser amount or accepting full payment from the fund [Fund] during the next calendar year.

§14.14.Reimbursement to the Fund.

(a) If the department pays a claim [against a licensee, or a person required to be licensed,] from the fund [Fund]:

(1) Upon issuance of a final determination from the department or the board [Board], the license holder [licensee] shall reimburse the total amount paid by the fund [Fund] or agree in writing to reimburse the fund [Fund] the total amount paid by the fund [Fund]. If a person is not licensed on the date the transaction forming the basis of the claim occurred but is required to be licensed, the person shall pay the fund one and one-half times the amount of the claim paid by the fund [Fund], upon issuance of a final determination from the department or the board [Board]. Payment to the fund [Fund] is due in full within 30 days of the date of the final [agency] determination. If the license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, cannot pay the full amount owed to the fund [Fund] at that time, the department may allow the license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, to pay the fund pursuant to [amount owed to the Fund on an amortization schedule set out in] paragraph (3) of this subsection plus an annual interest rate of 8.0%.

(2) After fully reimbursing the fund [Fund ] for payments made to the aggrieved party [claimant ], the license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, shall immediately pay or agree to pay the claimant any remaining amount due that party (balance not received from the fund [Fund]). If the license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, cannot pay the full amount to the aggrieved party [claimant ] at that time, the department may allow the license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, to pay the amount owed to the aggrieved party pursuant to [claimant on an amortization schedule as set out in] paragraph (3) of this subsection plus an annual interest rate of 8.0%, after the fund [Fund] is fully reimbursed.

(3) Payment [Amortization] Schedule [for Reimbursement to the Produce Recovery Fund and Claimant]. Claims of:

(A) - (D) (No change.)

(b) Monthly installments to the fund [Fund ] are due on the last business [working] day of the month and payable to TDA, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711. The department may make exceptions on payment schedules for good cause shown.

(c) If a license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, owes money to the fund [Fund] at the time the license holder [licensee], or a person required to be licensed, makes a claim against the fund [Fund], the department shall offset the amount owed to the fund [Fund] from the amount determined to be payable from the fund [Fund].

(d) Respondent's Option to Pay. The respondent may pay the amount found to be directly to the aggrieved party rather than have the payment made by the fund. If direct payment is made, the parties shall notify the department in writing.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on November 22, 2024.


Susan Maldonado

General Counsel

Texas Department of Agriculture

Earliest possible date of adoption: January 5, 2025

For further information, please call: (512) 463-6591


4 TAC §§14.20 - 14.26

The amendments are proposed under the Department's authority in Code, Section 12.016, which authorizes the Department to adopt rule to administer its powers and duties under the Code. The amendments are proposed under Section 103.012 of the Texas Agriculture Code, which requires the Department, with the advice of the Board, to adopt rules related to payment of claims from the Fund.

The code affected by the proposed amendments is Texas Agriculture Code, Chapters 101 and 103.

§14.20.Purpose and Scope.

The purpose of this subchapter [these sections] is to provide [operating] procedures for the board [Produce Recovery Fund Board (the Board), and to provide procedures for the conduct and determination of Board decisions], so that hearings and other proceedings before the Board may be conducted in a uniform and efficient manner. Unless otherwise provided, these rules are designed to supplement procedures established in Chapter 1, Subchapter A of this title (relating to General Rules of Practice [and Procedure]), and the Administrative Procedure Act and should be read together with those procedures.

§14.21.Duties of the Board and the Department.

(a) The board [Board] shall:

(1) advise the department on all matters relating to the fund [Fund], including the fund's [Fund's] budget and revenues necessary to accomplish the purposes of the fund [Fund];

(2) advise the department on the adoption of rules relating to the payment of claims from the fund [Fund] and to the administration of the fund [Fund]; and

(3) conduct hearings on claims on which a Notice of Protest has been filed with the department.

(b) The department shall:

(1) administer the fund [Fund], including the collection of fees from license holders [licensees ], or persons [a person] required to be licensed, which are to be deposited into the fund [Fund] in accordance with the Texas Agriculture Code (Code), Chapter103;

(2) receive and process claims;

(3) conduct hearings on claims, when [where ] appropriate, and issue determinations [an agency determination] on claims;

(4) refer claims to the board when a Notice of Protest is filed [Board, where appropriate];

(5) [where an award from the Fund is made,] process payment of claims in accordance with the Code, Chapter 103, when an award from the fund is made;

(6) [where appropriate,] seek reimbursement of payments made from the fund when appropriate [Fund]; and

(7) provide administrative support to the board [Board], including posting notices of board [Board] meetings, making arrangements for board [Board] meetings, and preparing and mailing [of] notices of hearing and other correspondence to parties on cases heard by the board [Board].


(a) Location, conduct and time of meetings. The board [Board] shall meet in Austin, or other places designated by the board [Board], on dates to be determined by the department with the advice of the board [Board], for the purpose of conducting hearings on matters appealed to the board [Board] and/or for the purpose of conducting business authorized by the Texas Agriculture Code, Chapter 103. Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.

(b) Notice of meetings. Notice [A written notice] of the agenda, date, time and place of each [business] meeting [of the Board] and/or hearing of [conducted by] the board [Board,] shall be provided [published in the Texas Register] in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. [In cases of emergency or urgent public necessity, notice shall be given as authorized by the Open Meetings Act.]

(c) Chairman to preside. The chairman of the board [Board] shall preside over all meetings of the board [Board] and shall perform all duties delegated to the chairman [him or her] under this subchapter [these rules]. In the chairman's absence, the vice-chairman shall preside over all meetings of the board [Board], and shall perform all duties of the chairman under this subchapter [these rules]. The vice-chairman shall be selected by a majority of board [Board] members present at the time of selection.

(d) Public comment period. As part of its [business] meetings, the board [Board] shall [include a public comment period to] allow members of the public to [appear and provide] comment on matters within the jurisdiction of the board [Board]. This item will be included in the agenda of [published in the Texas Register for] the [business] meeting.

§14.23.Conduct of Hearings of the Produce Recovery Fund Board.

(a) Representation. Parties to proceedings before the board [Board] shall have a right to appear and may be represented by counsel, or any other designated person, and shall have a right to have witnesses appear to testify on their behalf.

(b) Review of Department Record and Presentation By Parties.

(1) The board [In hearing cases in which a Notice of Protest has been filed, the Board] shall conduct hearings to review cases for which a Notice of Protest has been filed and base its determination on the record of the hearing held before the department and any subsequent matters filed by parties to the case which are admitted into the record by the board [Board], including any exhibits accepted into the record at the hearing before the board [Board].

(2) The board [Board] may take additional testimony [of parties or other witnesses] and admit into the record any documentary evidence that it deems necessary to clarify the record of the hearing before the department and/or aid the board [Board] in making its determination on the case.

(3) At the board's [Board's] discretion, any party may present oral testimony or argument [to the Board] by filing a written request with the board [Board a written request to do so] at least five business [working] days prior to the hearing [day on which the Board is to consider the case]. The board [Board] may waive the five-day [five working day] requirement for good cause shown.

(c) Ruling on Objections, Motions; Filing of Motions.

(1) The board [Board] shall have the authority to rule on motions, on the admissibility of evidence, on objections, and on amendments to pleadings.

(2) A pre-hearing [Any] motion [relating to a pending proceeding] shall[, unless made during a hearing,] be written, set forth under oath the relief or order sought and the specific reasons and grounds therefor, and be directed to the board [Board]. Any motion[, including a motion for continuance] shall be filed with the Hearings Clerk, General Counsel Division, Texas Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711, and distributed to all interested parties, under a certificate of service, not less than seven business [working] days prior to the hearing [designated ] date [that the matter is set to be heard by the Board]. The board [Board] may waive the seven-day [seven day] requirement for good cause shown. A reply to such motion may be filed by any other party to the proceeding. A pre-hearing motion [Pre-hearing motions] shall be ruled on by the chairman [Chairman] at the earliest time practicable, and a final determination [determinations ] on any such motion [motions] shall be signed by the chairman [Chairman] on behalf of the board [Board].

(3) When necessary, in the judgment of the chairman [Chairman] and/or the board [Board], or upon request of a party, a hearing may be set to consider any motion. A request for hearing on a motion, or a request for hearing on a final determination issued in response to a motion shall be filed with the board [Board] no later than three business [working] days after receipt of the final determination by the requesting party.

(d) Exhibits.

(1) All exhibits admitted into the record of the hearing before the department and the [tape] recording of the hearing shall be tendered for admission into the record of the hearing before the board [Board]. All such exhibits shall be available to the [for inspection by] parties prior to the beginning of the hearing, and [are available prior to the hearing date] to any interested person or party prior to the hearing date upon filing of a written request to the Hearings Clerk [Deputy General Counsel, General Counsel Division, Texas Department of Agriculture].

(2) A [Each] party shall deliver to the other party any additional documents intended to be offered at the hearing at least three business [working] days prior to the hearing date[, any documents in addition to those included in the record of the hearing before the department which the party intends to offer at the hearing before the Board].

(e) Recording the Hearing and Preparation of Transcript.

(1) All hearings before the board [Board] shall be [tape] recorded and [. All tape recordings of hearings before the Board shall be] maintained by the General Counsel Division, Texas Department of Agriculture.

(2) Upon written request[,] and payment of any associated [the appropriate] cost [by any party], the department shall prepare a copy of the [tape] recording of a hearing for any party [conducted by the Board].

(3) Upon written request and payment of any associated cost [of any party], the department shall prepare, or order the preparation of, a transcript of a hearing for any party [conducted by the Board. The Board may assess the cost of the transcript to one or more parties].

(4) In the event a final decision of the board [Board] is appealed to the district court, the board [Board] may require the appealing party to pay all or part of the cost of preparation of the original or a certified copy of the record of the [Board] proceeding that is required to be transmitted to the reviewing court, as is specified by the board [Board].

§14.24.The Board's Final Determination.

(a) All final determinations of the board [Board] shall be in writing and shall set forth findings of fact and conclusions of law as required by the Administrative Procedure Act.

(b) Unless otherwise prohibited by statute or by this chapter, all final board [Board] determinations may be signed by the chairman [Chairman], on behalf of the board [Board]. In the event that the final decision of the board [Board] is not unanimous, the final determination may indicate that the vote was not unanimous, and may indicate those members dissenting.

(c) Except for good cause, the [The] Board's final determination shall be issued within 60 days of the closing of the record of the case[, unless for good cause, the Board members hearing the case are not able to reconvene to deliberate on a case within the 60 day period after the closing of the record].

§14.25.Motion for Rehearing.

A motion for rehearing shall be governed by the Administrative Procedure Act, §§2001.145-2001.146. Communications regarding any such motion shall be directed to the board [Board], and filed with the Hearings Clerk, General Counsel Division, Texas Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711. A copy of the motion for rehearing shall [should also] be sent to the opposing party and/or designated representative. Board rulings on motions for rehearing shall [may] be made [by telephone, mail, or other suitable means of communication ] in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, §2001.146. A final determination granting or denying a motion for rehearing may be signed by the chairman [Chairman] on behalf of the board [Board].


All appeals from final board [Board] determinations shall be governed by the Administrative Procedure Act, Subchapter G[, or other pertinent statute].

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on November 22, 2024.


Susan Maldonado

General Counsel

Texas Department of Agriculture

Earliest possible date of adoption: January 5, 2025

For further information, please call: (512) 463-6591